13 Video Game DLCs Everyone Would Pay For

9. Owen Hart As A Playable Character - WWE 2K15

Of all the characters classic and new that the recent WWE games have offered as DLC, there's one wrestler who has constantly eluded being included as a download, and that's the legendary, late Owen Hart. Though up until last year Owen's widow Martha's lawsuit kept the WWE from profiting from Hart's image in any way, the suit has since been resolved, even if the details of it have never been made public. Still, this should theoretically allow Owen to be inducted into the Hall of Fame as soon as possible (frankly, it's a surprise it didn't happen this year), and also be added into future WWE games. Though Yuke's typically plan their DLC well in advance, and as such Owen Hart is extremely unlikely for WWE 2K15 short of a huge surprise, it would be a major selling point of this game or any future one should they have the sense to include him. Bonus points for 2K if they're also smart enough to allow gamers to play some classic Owen matches, such as the Owen-Bret WrestleMania X opener (pictured above) and so on. How Likely Is It?: 3/10 (though 7/10 in future games)

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.