14 Forgotten Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Sequels

1. Red Dead Redemption

Although Grand Theft Auto III completely revolutionised the gaming industry, it was 2010's Red Dead that saw Rockstar taking everything they'd learned across the previous generation and injecting one of the best, most well-paced and rewarding narratives of all time. Some say precisely because of this success, they should leave it well alone - as like with any title tapped to do well that then goes above and beyond expectations, its creators can never achieve that high again. It's a potent cocktail of unexpected success that only results in unprecedented hype - and the end result of "Yeah it's alright, but it's not as good as the first one." However, Rockstar are one of - if not the only - developer(s) out there who know exactly how to manage expectations. They've got some of the most talented people in the industry under their belt, and never show anything off until its absolutely good to go. What? GTA Online? What's that? Lastly there's the fact that just as a setting, the Wild West is extremely underused; only Call of Juarez and Westerados come to mind, which were both brilliantly immersive titles; but neither came close to that "GTA on horseback" sense of immersion and open-world purpose only Rockstar can pull off. What one-offs or long-dormant franchises do you think deserve the sequel treatment? Let us know in the comments!
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Gaming Editor

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