14 Forgotten Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Sequels

2. Legacy Of Kain

Did you play Nosgoth? Of course you didn't, it was a supremely misguided cash-in on one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history, taking what used to be an aciton-platformer and turning it into... wait for it... a first-person shooter. Because of course they did. Anyway, the worst thing about talking about Legacy of Kain is Square Enix had one more than underway; the now-canned Dead Sun appeared in fairly finished form when a leak showed off some brutal third-person God of War-style combat, taking the Soul Reaver's more trademark exploration and mixing in a new character that could traverse both dimensions in various ways. Chances are we'll never see Dead Sun at all, but for Legacy of Kain in general there's just too much potential buried inside its mythology and loveable cast of Shakespearean demons to squander in the future. Besides, for as awesome as Rise of the Tomb Raider looks, can you honestly say you wouldn't rather see Kain's grimacing mug in glossy HD, battling a cape-torn Raziel at least one more time?
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