14 Forgotten Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Sequels

11. The Punisher

Sometimes, you just need to jam someone's torso on the end of a charging rhino. Or at least, you didn't know you did until THQ's Punisher came along and proved there was one thing missing from the standard third-person shooter format; interrogations. The whole thing was a fairly simple headshot-popper outside of this, but it was in things like dangling perps over piranha tanks, skewering them with lasers, mounting them on ceremonial swords and more that - alongside a killer fan-service vibe when it came to throwing in plenty Marvel cameos - made the lengthy journey through the campaign extremely memorable. Punisher as a character is about to see something of a resurgence thanks to being the main antagonist in season two of Netflix's Daredevil, and considering his video game output has been this perfect iteration and the godawful arena shooter No Mercy, it'd be the perfect time to grab Jon Bernthal for vocal duties and revive this to tie it all together.
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