14 Best Christmas-Themed Levels In Video Games

1. Gotham - Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman Arkham Origins christmas xmas
Warner Bros.

Like Splinter Cell's mission earlier, Arkham Origins' setting as on Christmas Eve seems entirely random, but as two of the most beloved Batman films of all time have tied into the gift-giving season already, it's a great callback, before the game itself lets you explore a version of Gotham done up with slay bells n' baubles. Some awesome easter eggs include finding a Christmas poem Joker has left scrawled onto a wall, and DLC Cold, Cold Heart would then take place at New Years, but compliment the icy look of everything with some Xmas-hatted goons to batter into submission.

Origins remains the most overlooked and underrated of all the Arkham games, but if you give it a second chance you'll find Warner Bros. Montreal took a lot of care fleshing out Batman and Joker's relationship, alongside letting you play as the latter for a brilliant section inside his own mind. There's something about the chill of winter perfectly complimenting Batman's mysterious ethos as the watchful protector of the night, and for all the things Origins got knocked for, its portrayal of Gotham was a standout highlight.

What's your favourite Christmas level in any video game? Let us know in the comments!

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