14 Greatest Video Game Villains Of The Decade (So Far)

10. MOM - The Binding Of Isaac (2011)

Continuing the religious themes, Edmund McMillen's the weird and wonderful (in equal measure) Binding Of Isaac has undoubtedly offended more than a few devout Christians and Jews in its tenure as the premier roguelike experience. A tongue-in-cheek distortion of the original story, Isaac's Mother is approached by 'God' in voice form and asked to prove her devotion to the Lord by turning her naked son into a pin cushion with a kitchen knife. Overhearing his Mother's delusional conversation with the ceiling, Isaac attempts to hide in his basement which, as it turns out, isn't particularly safe - especially as she's followed you there. Chastising, cruel and unnerving just through the constant, shrill utterance of her son's name, Mom's not just a Freudian nightmare, but a villain that just won't quit until she's personally stomped her son into a stain on the floor. If you think the image above is grotesque, just want until you see what awaits you in the womb...
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.