14 Most Hotly Anticipated Gaming Sequels Of 2014

1. Dark Souls 2

Are you ready to go beyond death? I certainly can, and I can't wait for Dark Souls 2 to release in March. The original was something I fell into without any knowledge of the game whatsoever. At the urging of a friend I borrowed it from work (I used to work in a gaming store), popped it in my console, got annoyed with it, and fell completely head over heels in love with it. One of the most rewarding gaming experiences I've ever had the pleasure of playing, Dark Souls is immensely difficult, extremely satisfying to beat and is perhaps one of the most in-depth games that I've ever seen. Even after multiple playthroughs I'm still finding stuff I've never seen before, and I've literally written guides on this game! Although there was early concern that DS2 would be dumbed down to meet the needs of a wider audience, multiple previews have put these rumours to rest and promised the trademark die and die again gameplay we all expect. There's one thing for sure my friends: thar be more amazing chests ahead. Praise the sun. Do you think we'll get to be grossly incandescent? So that's it for this humble list. Did I miss one of your most anticipated off? Let us know down in the comments what you'd add!
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.