14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

2. WWE 2K15

Release dates: PS3/360 - October 28th (NA) 31ST (EU) - PS4/Xbox One - November 18th (NA) 21st (EU) This is getting such a top-spot bill mainly because it's taken the teams behind the various iterations so long to uproot the ancient mechanics set in-motion by now-defunct studio THQ, and build something totally from scratch. That, and the fact that graphically this is pretty stunning, with everything from Randy Orton's steaming scowl to Bray Wyatt's wiry beard looking almost photorealistic. In a carryover from developer 2K's other flagship franchise NBA 2K15 we're going to see the much celebrated MyCareer mode make the leap over to WWE - which combined with another in-depth character creator hopefully means it can do a far better job at realising your superstar than the so-far disastrous results within the former. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lo8I6C1-Jw In a fantastic Dark Souls-style twist you'll also be able to leap into your friends' games and interrupt their matches at random, bringing a totally unique angle to proceedings if you happen to get suckered out of a title-win thanks to your mate knocking out the referee just before a three-count. Wrestling games haven't been true must-buys for anyone outside the most devoted watchers since the old run of Smackdown! titles, but with any luck this can recapture some of that magic.
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