14 Incredible Video Games Still To Come In 2014

3. Dragon Age: Inquisition

Release date: 18th November (NA) 21st (EU) If there's one thing gamers love to do more than bash a title we thought was going to be great, it's champion a franchise-saving sequel instalment. Not only was Dragon Age 2 one of the worst sequels to grace the last generation of consoles, but developer Bioware also popped out quite the turkey by crapping up the end of Mass Effect 3 too - something that to people who know the majesty of titles like Knights of the Old Republic or Jade Empire, was pretty disheartening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-hznZJON-s Hopefully Bioware have learned from their mistakes when it comes to this newest instalment, as everything from the touted '200 hours of content' label to each and every piece of oh-so shiny armour looks set to draw us into a fantasy world that's not been seen since the likes of Skyrim set the benchmark. It's always great to see what a developer of this talent can do with new system hardware, and judging by what's been revealed so far in terms of an easier gameplay system and some truly stunning worlds, RPG fans are in for a real treat - especially when just on the other side is The Witcher 3 next year.
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