14 Insane E3 2016 Announcements That Would Shock The World

10. Hideo Kojima's New Project (Whatever It Is)

Half Life Resident Evil 6 Metroid Portal
Kojima Productions

The Announcement: Ever since Hideo Kojima acrimoniously split from Konami and partnered with Sony, fans have been wondering when his new game, whatever it is, might show up. Why not E3, then?

How Likely Is It?: This one's actually pretty plausible, because while said game would surely be very early on in development right now, Kojima has a history of teasing his games years before their eventual release, so we could probably expect at least a brief teaser trailer or something.

Kojima himself has already been teasing fans by stating that the new Kojima Productions logo has some secrets within it, and maybe we'll learn a little more about this at E3. Given Kojima's reputation as one of the most ambitious and creative minds in the gaming world, pretty much anything he shows us will stir up some excitement, and we're pretty sure he'll be at E3.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.