14 Insane E3 2016 Announcements That Would Shock The World

6. Sony's PS4.5 Trade-In Offer

Half Life Resident Evil 6 Metroid Portal

The Announcement: With recent rumours suggesting that Sony's much-discussed PS4.5 (aka the PS4 Neo) will launch before October, Sony could give themselves a huge PR boost by announcing a trade-in offer for current PS4 owners.

How Likely Is It?: Nope, no chance. There's just no financial incentive for Sony to do it, and if the PS4 and PS4.5 will indeed co-exist without splitting the fanbase as rumours state, then early adopters will just have to deal with it, or perhaps sell off their PS4 shortly before the PS4.5 releases and completely crashes the resale value.

Otherwise, best to just accept that the PS4.5 isn't made with a current owner in mind, even if some will inevitably double-dip. It would be amazing, but it's also a laughably optimistic suggestion.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.