14 Most Anticipated Video Game Sequels Of 2017 - Ranked

2. Far Cry 5

far cry 5

Ubisoft knew they'd be stirring the pot quite vigorously with a game about slaughtering a load of white supremacists on American soil (not remotely relatable to even the most over-inflated portrayal of Trump voters, no siree...), but all the same, it's great to see the team take some risks with their storytelling.

Far Cry 3 was the last time anyone actually cared about a Far Cry narrative in the first place, and FC5 is attempting to detail the 'Project at Eden's Gate' cult, its leaders and its brainwashing of everyday Montana-born folk to join the cause.

The obvious, obvious parallels and parodies towards President Trump's followers are plain to see, despite the length of time this takes to develop absolving Ubisoft of any real intent. Still, a Far Cry game about cleansing the lands from radicalised religious nuts who believe they're doing the same from any 'non-believers'?

These enemies are going to be more fun to tear apart than the most militantly sieg heil'ing of Wolfenstein's nazis.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.