14 Most BROKEN Video Games Of The Decade

13. Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas head glitch

It comes to something when a game is staring you in the face with its glitches and lack of polish, even in the opening scenes.

And yet, after being unceremoniously executed by Matthew Perry's Benny, thousands of players awoke to find Doc Mitchell's head swivelling on the spot.

Naturally this only went on to show that otherwise legendary developers Obsidian had struggled considerably with Bethesda's godawful Gamebryo engine, and New Vegas barely held itself together from then on in.

It would later come out that Bethesda were extremely unhelpful across development, and only gave the studio 18 months to turn around this spin-off from Fallout 3 - both things that contributed to a stilted title whose positives struggled to shine through.

Thankfully, New Vegas was eventually patched and reworked enough to remain one of the best Fallouts of them all, but that opening period? Oof.

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