14 Most BROKEN Video Games Of The Decade

12. Star Wars Battlefront 2

Battlefront 2

A game not broken through lack of polish, but a disastrous business mandate crowbarred into development, that was then ripped out on day of launch.

This of course refers to the state of microtransactions in Battlefront 2, which before release were barely talked about, yet still referred to a card system of power-ups, damage modifiers and stat boosts.

Want to buff your character? Pay some money and unlock more cards, or grind for a good 40+ hours to get enough credits for one skin at a time. It was that "simple".

All this came after years of people putting up with MTX systems became the most hated thing in the modern industry, EA "being EA" and applying the worst practices to Star Wars was just too much.

The backlash was overwhelmingly strong, leading to the storefront being gutted from the game... which in turn meant your ONLY recourse was grinding.

DICE and EA would put out numerous responses to this tire fire of a problem, eventually overhauling progression and unlockables to make BF2 an incredibly fun Star Wars product.

The fact it took such a mounted offensive to get them to do right by the fans though, remains a notable example of EA being the dog worst this generation.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.