14 Most Surprising Metacritic Scores Of 2017

12. Friday The 13th (61)

friday the 13th
Gun Media

Friday the 13th is a fun game...to a point, but as anyone who has played it will know, it's also horrendously janky, cheaply thrown-together and basically a mechanical mess.

The joy of playing as Jason Voorhees is undeniable, but this is constantly played-off against repetitive central gameplay that gets old fast, the lack of a single-player campaign, the abundance of bugs and general feeling that this could be so, so much better.

Again, it's not a bad game, and it deserves a little slack for clearly being created on a small budget by people with a passion for the franchise, but 61? Really?

That's not to say 61's a good score, because it absolutely isn't, but given the game's litany of technical issues, it really shouldn't be scoring north of 50.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.