14 Most Underrated Open-World Games Of The Last 10 Years

6. Watch Dogs 2

watch dogs 2 ubisoft building office

The jump in quality between Watch Dogs and its sequel was almost as drastic as the one that occurred between the first two Assassin's Creed games.

Proving that Ubisoft occasionally listens to feedback, the sequel to one of the most anticipated (and underwhelming) games of all time gave fans everything they asked for. Ditching the po-faced protagonist of the original title and instead casting an entirely new set of hackers for the sequel, Watch Dogs 2 ramped up the colour, humour and creativity of the series to give players the open world game they expected to get the first time around.

But after being burned so much on that first title a large portion of gamers were rightfully wary of jumping into this sequel, and completely missed out on this new and improved title. A shame, because with a more pronounced focus on stealth, a new parkour system and a more varied open world to explore, Watch Dogs 2 proved itself to be one of the best games of last year.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3