14 Most Underrated Open-World Games Of The Last 10 Years

8. Red Faction: Guerrilla

Red Faction

Even now, eight years on from its first release, Red Faction: Guerrilla's environmental destruction is some of the most impressive you can find in a video game. It might not have the same spectacle and detail as taking down a skyscraper in Battlefield 4, but the amount of freedom it gives the player to tackle missions however they want makes Guerrilla still worth jumping into all these years later.

Although the shooting itself can feel a bit lacking when compared to action games today (and even action games back then), the ability to use the environment to your advantage more than makes up for any shortcomings.

Taking down a building on a group of enemies never gets old, and driving directly into the largest enemy structure to bring it tumbling to the ground always remains a spectacular way to announce your arrival to a group of enemies.

While the franchise always had an element of environmental destruction baked into its DNA, it only really clicked when Red Faction went open world with this entry.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3