14 Nightmarish Resident Evil Monsters

13. Pale Head

resident evil 2 remake licker

A new and stronger version of the zombie, which was introduced in the RE2make post-game bonus modes and returned towards the end of RE3make campaign once Jill reached the Umbrella lab.

The game’s secondary villain Nikolai sicks these new zombies on Jill, after which point they appear frequently during the final section of the game.

The Pale Head is a zombie in an advanced stage of decomposition and its chief gameplay gimmick is that it can quickly regenerate, meaning that unless you're using your big guns against them their healing will outpace your damage output, essentially making them indestructible to all but the most powerful weaponry.

As if that wasn’t bad enough these zombies are faster and more aggressive than the standard out-of-the-box undead and become a real problem when they appear in numbers.


Ben is an avid fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He also loves video games but is alarmed at his steadily growing back log; he hopes to finish Red Dead Redemption 2 sometime around 2030.