14 Pokémon Based On Bizarre Real Life Creatures

11. Vileplume Is A Corpse Flower

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What Is It?

Rafflesia arnoldii, or the corpse flower, is the largest individual flower on earth and is endemic to the rainforests of Sumatra. As well as looking like a cross between a rare steak and a stoma (for the love of god do not google "stoma"), its appearance is not even the most unpleasant thing about it. The Rafflesia arnoldii also happens to give off a powerful odour of rotting flesh. Turns out they don't call it a corpse flower for nothing.

Fun Fact:

Unlike most flowers, but like Vileplume, the Rafflesia arnoldii flowers are either male or female, rather than possessing both parts on a single plant. This means that, because they're so rare, the chances of a male and female being close enough to each other to pollinate and reproduce are vanishingly small.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.