14 Simple Things That Could Ruin The Biggest Upcoming Video Games

1. Nobody Buys It - Dreams

Dreams PS4
Media Molecule

And finally, we have perhaps the most ambitious game of the year, Media Molecule's sandbox "dream creator", which allows players to create and share complex artistic visions across the world.

It's certainly an incredible concept, and the recent closed beta showed the mind-boggling scope that the game's creation tools allow, but ultimately Dreams will be made or broken by one thing: player engagement.

The concept is novel and nebulous enough that, for many, it may lack that definitive "hook" that a more conventional, narrative-driven game offers, and so more casual players may decide against pulling the trigger with their hard-earned cash.

Perhaps in an attempt to prevent this, Sony will be releasing the game in Early Access later in the spring at a lower price point, but even so, it's tough to imagine the game truly breaking out of its cult niche and becoming a mainstream mega-hit.

If Dreams is going to keep delivering creative content for years on end as intended, it needs to catch on with the larger gamer contingent, and that's a decidedly tougher nut to crack.

As wonderful as the game looks, it isn't easy to be optimistic about it surviving for long. And we'd love to be wrong about that.

What are your expectations for these upcoming AAA games? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.