14 Video Games With Underwear Themed Secrets & Easter Eggs

5. Nintendo's Amiibo's: Peach's Secret

It first cropped up with Activision's Skylanders, then it moved onto Disney with their Infinity game series and now it has finally reached Nintendo with their Amiibo products. I'm talking about the current gaming fad of companies releasing DLC in the form of an expensive physical toy. Where we once had to pay $5 maximum for a new character in a game, we are now expected to spend $12 for each and every one of them. To me, the whole thing is over priced garbage, but what could we do about it? They're huge money makers and they aren't going away any time soon. When Nintendo revealed their first set of Amiibo's to the public, they were locked behind glass cases so no one could take a closer look at the detail put into them. One brave individual didn't let that deter him, though. How he managed to get the camera angle he needed without being seen is unknown, but he took an upskirt picture of the Princess Peach amiibo, revealing to the world that she had a fully sculpted undercarriage with embroidered underwear. What followed was months of internet goers describing the less than worksafe things they intended to do to the Peach Amiibo as Nintendo watched on in silence. To just about nobody's surprise, Peach's Amiibo design was completely changed so that the only thing to be found under her skirt was a large block of pink plastic. Sorry internet, your lewd dreams might have been crushed, but you still have that one snapshot to remember them by.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.