14 Video Games With Underwear Themed Secrets & Easter Eggs

2. Metal Gear Rising: Cut Anything If You're Careful

Practically every Metal Gear Solid game has featured some sort of underwear themed Easter Egg. Whether its taking pictures of posters featuring scantily clad women to see the reactions of your team mates or getting Meryl to not put on any pants by interrupting her cutscenes, there's always been something of that sort for gamers to find. The same goes for the Platinum Games title, Metal Gear Rising, though you have to be a lot more careful if you want to see these Easter Eggs. With a game mechanic where you can cut just about anything, you need to learn finesse if you want to cut things with style. Once you've mastered the controls of your sword, you can literally cut the clothes off of people and even posters without destroying them or killing anyone. When you manage to pull it off you'll get a mixture of snide remarks from your team for undressing people without their consent, but even they can become impressed sometimes when you manage to cut the clothes off of a cardboard cutout in your training missions.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.