14 Video Games With Underwear Themed Secrets & Easter Eggs

7. The FOX Engine's News Worthy Achievement

Konami's FOX engine was built from the ground up by Hideo Kojima and his gang of tech wizards to be an all out amazing piece of software capable of visuals so realistic that some people actually considered interviews with a masked man working for Kojima to have been rendered completely in the engine itself. As it turns out, no, that was a real person hired to do those interviews. But the point is Kojima's engine was amazing enough to make people think real life images might have been fake. Despite these amazing leaps in rendering technology, one thing that really made the news was that the engine was able to render clothing well enough that when you applied certain settings to different types of clothes, they would become accurately see through, allowing you to see women's undergarments. With Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V such technology wasn't really needed, but that fact that it could do it at all was quite incredible.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.