14 Video Games You Won't Believe Are Turning 14 In 2014

4. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn (September 24, 2000) While the original Baldur's Gate is the title which received the better reaction, this isn't to say Shadows of Amn isn't a fantastic game in its own right. On paper it made all the required tweaks to make it the superior experience with the introduction of additional classes, races, spells and improved graphics; bigger clearly isn't always better, though. Saying Shadows of Amn isn't quite as good as Baldur's Gate is like saying that a Porsche isn't as desirable as a Ferrari - it's still a nice car. 14 years on and we still haven't been given a third Baldur's Gate game. BioWare, if you or one of your associates is reading this: give the people what they want. 3. Resident Evil Code: Veronica (February 3, 2000) It's very hard to imagine it now, but once upon a time survival horror games were very different. You didn't get to replenish your ammo with every enemy you killed, there wasn't a save game opportunity around every corner, and you couldn't sprint around the map like Usain Bolt. In short - they were actually about survival. This is no truer than in the satisfyingly difficult Resident Evil Code: Veronica. Ever since the release of Code: Veronica, the franchise has become increasingly more action-orientated, culminating in the shockingly poor Resident Evil 6. No thanks, Capcom.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.