14 Video Games You Won't Believe Are Turning 14 In 2014

2. Deus Ex (June 26, 2000) Every time you hear mention of Deus Ex online, you're tempted to reinstall it. The game remains relevant today because its success upon release didn't come down to impressive visuals - indeed one of the main criticisms of the game was its relatively sub-standard graphics. Rather than visuals, Deus Ex is remembered today for more timeless reasons; an incredibly unpredictable story-arc, engrossing dialogue and insanely diverse gameplay. 1. The Sims (February 4, 2000) The Sims may not be the greatest game on this list, but its influence alone is enough to give it the top position. In 2009, EA announced that the franchise had sold in excess of 110 million copies of games in the series... and since then The Sims 3 and its many expansions have been released. The original Sims is like the Lernaean Hydra of Greek myth; starting with just one head it has come to a point where it has many hundreds of the things. Each release of a Sims game is accompanied by the eventual release of many, many expansion packs (the original Sims has seven individual add-ons). Yes, the control freak inside all of us will be forever itching to jump back into the world of The Sims, whether it be to help our little avatars realise their dreams or to torture them into insanity. Like this list? Let us know in the comments section below.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.