14 Worst Video Game Boss Battles Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Rom, The Vacuous Spider - Bloodborne

FromSoftware's 'Dark Souls formula' doesn't take much to make stupidly hard. As the game engine isn't built to allow for a whole lot of movement other than shuffling around - thereby forcing you to think about your placement on the field, the length of time your attacks take to play out and everything in between - simply throwing a stupid amount of enemies at the player always considerably ramps up the challenge factor. For Rom, you're not only tasked with getting in close enough to deal damage whilst dodging aerial projectiles that'll sap your lifebar in one hit if you're not blocking (and sometimes, even if you are), but she summons a fresh army of spiders to close the gap along the way. These little guys don't have a whole lot of health, but they occasionally leap up and suicide-dive head-first onto you, which finishes you off in one hit if you're on anything less than full health. Multiply the amount of spiders falling out the sky with a movement system that struggles to keep up and a boss who'll shoot you from across the map if you're not careful, and Rom is by far the most dastardly creation FromSoft have conjured up so far.
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