14 Worst Video Game Boss Battles Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Shao Kahn - Mortal Kombat (2011)

Speaking of dastardly creations, NetherRealm have established something of a legacy for Shao Kahn over the years - that being to program him as an overpowered slab of meat who'll spam the most devastating attacks over and over, each subsequent MK making him a more annoying version than the last. Sadly, MK X didn't see Kahn get the next-gen hair-pulling treatment, but for 2011's reboot of the canon he was back to his most infuriating of ways. He'll happy charge directly through your attack just before it connects, juggle you up in the air continuously with a series of upward swings, or hell, sometimes he'll just flash when you attack him meaning your animation hasn't connected and now you're wide open. It's not a glitch, just the way it's been programmed. In the end, players took to figuring out which of their own moves they could spam to death to attain victory, and whether that's a successful comment on how far we had to go to win, or just bad design, is up to you. Spoilers: It's clearly bad design.
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