14 Worst Video Game Boss Battles Of The Decade (So Far)

10. Human Reaper Hybrid 'Thing' - Mass Effect 2

This mechanical abomination tends to divide the Mass Effect fanbase thanks to being part of an outright weird plot revelation, and then pitting you against an enemy far larger than anything you'd faced before. Suddenly we were in Resident Evil 4 territory, tackling some gigantic screen-filling mess that was already verging on the wrong side of ridiculous. Supporters will forever champion its abrasive look as intentionally to freak you out, whilst the rest of us couldn't believe that the purpose of The Collectors abducting humans was... to build an even bigger human. The ensuing battle of eye-lasers and moving ground taxed Mass Effect 2's new combat model to breaking point, all with you at the centre, fumbling with the controls as the Human Reaper randomly wiped you out with a deft swipe of its hand. Not the best.
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