14 Worst Video Games Of 2016
5. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

More than any particular genre or game mechanic, the thing we've seen the rise of this generation are microtransactions, plaguing everything from Overwatch to Assassin's Creed.
In a far more egregious and ultimately damaging way, Square Enix - according to an inside source who came clean with Jim Sterling - forced developers Eidos to implement a payment system that totally broke the progression of their game only weeks before launch.
No longer did you need to play to unlock Adam Jensen's full roster of abilities, instead you could just pay for them, and the money-first, passion later approach didn't stop there.
Integral DLC was gutted and held back as paid content, resulting in a story that felt incredibly haphazard and badly paced, ending abruptly right when it felt like things were ramping up. Only a month had passed before the first piece of content dropped too, making it very clear that the game was intentionally segmented to suck up as much money as possible.
It's a real shame, as despite the Deus Ex name being one of the all-time greats and 2011's Human Revolution being an outstanding RPG, you'd struggle to find someone who even knew Mankind Divided released this year, let alone recommend it.