14 Worst Video Games Of 2016

6. The Technomancer

the technomancer

An exercise in how to balls up one of the coolest sci-fi narratives we've seen in quite some time, The Technomancer's 'Mad Max in space' setup tasked you with policing a turbulent Mars as a titular Technomancer, semi-religious authority figures that doubles as a magic-wielding, bow-staff flinging badasses.

So far, so good - then you got to the voice acting and animation, only to find it was drastically, cripplingly outdated.

See, Technomancer's devs are French, and sadly, the game suffered the same faux-American accents and off-kilter line deliveries as the likes of Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain. Main man Zacharia Mancer (said in the game as "Zacharia M'ayn'cer) flits between devoting himself to the blind faith of the Technomancers and heading up a rebellion, yet the necessary strands to convince the player of his allegiance swap are incredibly rushed and badly acted.

In the end, the game is determined to charge ahead with its fetch quests and "unite the factions" storyline, those foundations that were so shaky in the first place end up seeing the whole thing cave in on itself.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.