15 Awesome Video Games From 2017 You Probably Missed

1. Rainbow Six: Siege (2017 Update)

Rainbow Six Siege

While you weren't looking, Ubisoft subtly transformed R6: Siege from one of the most underwhelming shooters of the decade, into a bonafide FPS phenomenon. Extremely intense battles of wits and games of angles boil down to who can land the most precise shot at the right time, with everything from destructible scenery to drone cams factoring into the action.

With scores of updates to manoeuvrability and shooting, new maps, Operators (characters) and a fantastically dedicated community backing every bullet, Rainbow Six: Siege is as essential a play as Overwatch or any high-profile FPS you can think of.

It proves that release dates and "launch states" mean increasingly little in the games industry, as 2017 marked Ubi's continued resolve to make the Rainbow Six name mean something once again, tapping into a far more tactically-minded experience than anything the bigger blockbuster shooters can offer.

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