15 Best Amusement Parks In Video Games

9. Soldier's Field - Bioshock Infinite

final fantasy 7 Golden saucer

Soldier's Field is a district of Columbia specifically made as an amusement park.

It contains an arcade, a carousel, a museum dedicated to the history of Columbia, a ferris wheel, a beach with a great rendition of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun", and a whole lot of Columbian propaganda.

Just like the rest of the floating city, Soldier's Field is kind of utopian at first glance until you start to notice how off everything is. From the "Colored & Irish Washrooms" outside of the arcade to the racism-filled "retelling" of the Battle of Wounded Knee, Soldier's Field might seem like a fun place on the outside but in reality, it's just as racist and awful as the rest of Columbia.

Bioshock Infinite is a clever game with a lot to say which is evident by this park. In fact, Soldier's Field might be where the game's themes of racism, religion, and the blood-soaked legacy of America are explored the most.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.