15 Best Amusement Parks In Video Games

8. Whispering Oaks Amusement Park - Left 4 Dead 2

final fantasy 7 Golden saucer

The main area of the third Left 4 Dead 2 campaign, Dark Carnival, Whispering Oaks Amusement Park, is one of the more spooky entries on this list. Probably because it's filled to the brim with the undead.

After the first chapter, you'll end up there which is where the next four chapters take place.

This park has everything. It has playable games, a rollercoaster that is explored thoroughly in the third chapter, a carousel, a tunnel of love that makes up the safe room for the second chapter, a petting zoo, bumper cars, a diner, and of course zombie clowns. It wouldn't be an amusement park without zombie clowns.

You would think that setting almost an entire campaign in an amusement park would get old when other campaigns avoid sticking to a singular location for too long. This isn't the case with Dark Carnival as Whispering Oaks Amusement Park is such a varied location. You might spend one minute in the surprisingly large tunnel of love and the next navigating a rollercoaster. There are parts of the level that take place on rooftops, and parts that take place in a stadium.

The place easily has enough variety to carry an entire campaign.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.