15 Best Batman Video Games - Ranked

13. Batman: The Video Game(1989)

batman NES

A childhood favourite for many, Batman's first foray onto the NES went down in gaming history as an exemplary recreation of the movie's dark, engaging tone (for the time of course, we'd no idea of the direction Christopher Nolan would go).

With combat and the general feel of Bats' repertoire being limited by the NES' hardware capabilities, everything took place entirely on a 2D plane, though you were free to fling endless batarangs, punch the snot out of everything and wall-flip (landing in a kick!) to evade, completing the more intense platforming sections.

Batman: The Video Game would kickstart a trend on how to even 'do' a Batman video game - one that would last for numerous decades as various future developers plied their trade to create side-scrolling beat 'em ups starring the Dark Knight. Still, with a brooding soundtrack rumbling away in the background, a nicely detailed sprite and scores of enemies to introduce to your fists, this '89 Batman is still highly recommended.

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