15 Best Hidden Gem Video Games Of The Decade

3. The Evil Within 2

Evil Within 2

At the start of 2019, every video game fan and critic hailed Resident Evil 2 as bringing the survival horror genre back from the brink. That always felt weird to me, because The Evil Within 2 did that exact same thing years prior and nobody noticed.

The original game was a rough-around-the-edges charmer, but this sequel raised the bar in every way. It was spookier, the story was better, the gunplay tighter and enemies nastier. Even better, it introduced a semi open-world structure that somehow complimented the horror elements and made the experience even scarier.

The best thing you can say about The Evil Within 2, though, is that it actively makes the original a better game in hindsight. The plot points it picks up, the motifs it repeats and enemies that return are all deepened and granted greater significance, and it's generally just a great survival horror experience.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3