15 Best Indie Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)
1. Inside
Going into Inside, I literally knew nothing. Nothing, other than that it being the six-year followup to the outstanding indie darling Limbo.
In that time, developers Playdead have crafted another atonal experience that plays like a physics-based puzzle platformer, but amps up the atmosphere, story and overall artistry of the project across the board, creating something that's truly incredible. And to say that afterLimbo is now such an identifiable force in gaming, is a masterstroke.
Playing once again as a young boy, this time exploring and delving deeper into a factory filled with what appear to be mindless workers, you'll uncover a host of secrets within, but the main takeaway that'll send ripples through the industry is how it's all presented.
A cold, industrial feel gives your boy's interactions with the environment a purely Orwellian vibe, whereas surrealist tinges frame some of the creatures and sights you'll come across inside the structure itself. The mystery of what's really going on, who you are and especially what the final scenes are meant to represent is sure to be debated for years, but either way, Playdead have done it again, and although its length may be very short, every second is absolutely flawless.
What's your favourite indie game of the year so far? Let us know in the comments!