15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

2. Wake Island - Battlefield

Left 4 Dead 2

Some maps can epitomize an entire series but few can epitomize a genre of gaming as a whole. Wake Island, which first found itself in Battlefield 1942, shows just how far a sandbox shooter can go. While Battlefield now touts itself for having these epic moments, few times in the series have they felt as real as they did on this U-shaped stretch of land at the midpoint between Tokyo and Hawaii.

Wake Island is a big enough map to support everything that makes Battlefield special, tanks, boats, and a level of chaos not seen in most games. Japanese fighters storm the beaches from their ships while players on the US team scramble to defend their flags. Players have to stick to their class roles and play as a team if they want to have any hope of victory. Once the tanks get rolling and teams approach an impasse, anyone making it to enemy territory instantly triggers online insanity.

Fans of Battlefield swear by this map, even modding it into the sequel, Battlefield Vietnam, and making sure that Dice includes a new rendition of Wake Island in every subsequent release in the series, with the exception of Battlefield Hardline. That game sucked though. Maybe it could have been better if it had Wake Island.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.