15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

3. The Island - Fortnite

Left 4 Dead 2

Where are we gonna drop, lads?

Fortnite is a game that has defined a generation with a mode that could only be possible with today's technology. Sending a hundred players to an island to fend for themselves, with the storm closing in can only result in the type of carnage that battle royale can provide.

Every player is scrambling to either build their fort, secure the best resources, eliminate the competition, or just stay within the circle and hope for the best. While the map has seen some changes since its debut, it's still provided players with exciting scenarios in each of its alliterative locales.

The island isn't just a great place for combat, but an important cross section of gaming and pop culture history. Rapper and producer Travis Scott gave one of the best virtual performances since the heyday of Hatsune Miku, in a time where the world really needed something uplifting.

Fortnite may be a popular enough game to draw the ire of the contrarian crowd, but the fact remains that it does not get to that point without being indisputably good at its core. Beyond the action and the building, its map will live on forever, and in ten years will be looked back on as a nostalgic reminder of gaming in this era.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.