15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

14. House - Rainbow Six Siege

Left 4 Dead 2

It's cozy, quaint, and due for renovation.

While the title may be innocuous, the depth that this map presents shows a lot going on under the surface. Players both offensively and defensively have to take the map seriously and think up legitimate strategies before the next round, deciding what path to take, how their character's abilities should come into play, and what to do once everything goes wrong, because it will.

The small corridors and rigid rooms make House a nice place to live, assuming it isn't filled with ten players all trying to shoot each other. They have to duck, lean, and sneak around like a kid out past their bed time, lest they risk getting sent to their eternal slumber. Few maps establish the tone of their game as expertly as House does for Rainbow Six Siege

House is also due for a rework that has many players loving what the developers have done with place, cleaning out all the apparent construction, sprucing up each room with new furniture for cover, and adding a little bit more space which makes each step a little bit less of a life-or-death decision than it currently is. Ubisoft found a way to make a stellar map, and flesh it out even further to accentuate its best qualities.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.