15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

10. Nuketown - Call Of Duty

Left 4 Dead 2

Strange things are afoot on Trinity Ave.

Inspired by atomic bomb test site in Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Treyarch designer Adam Hoggatt whipped a straightforward map in 2 days, with it later taking the hearts of the entire studio, as well as all the players that got to play it.

Black Ops represented a massive shift in aesthetics for Call of Duty, with this being the brands first crack at the Vietnam setting with the mysterious Cold War serving as the backdrop. The series used the freedom of this era to introduce weapons and set-pieces more befitting of a James Bond title.

Nowhere could this change in scenery be more than evident than in Nuketown, a seemingly pastoral setting with two houses facing each other on the cul de sac, even a beautiful double rainbow lightning up the sky, all the way. This peaceful scenario clashed comedically with the explosions, ballistic knives, and gunfire from both teams. The map even enabled the use of gadgets with a secret passageway specifically built for the exploding RC car. Putting the cherry on top was a nuclear bomb going off at the end of every match, the final destructive touch to some of the most brutal matches.

The brand was still at its peak with Black Ops, and Nuketown was the peak of the game, a map so good it had to return for CoD Mobile.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.