15 Best Multiplayer Maps In Gaming History Ranked

9. Final Destination - Super Smash Bros.

Left 4 Dead 2

When talking about simplicity in map design, it does not get anymore simple than this, just a flat plain, no platforms to jump on, no stage hazard, just the player and their opponent. Smash 64 introduced the stage, reserving it for the climactic battle against the imposing Master Hand, the final fight of the game's single player campaign. It wasn't until Melee though, that the stage was opened up to multiplayer, completing the picture with some trippy background visuals. This stage became the set not just for great moments with friends on the couch, but in competitive gaming lore, with Mew2King and the other Smash gods having a plethora of legendary moments on this stage.

Brawl would bring the stage back in 2008, featuring some of the best music of that game's generation, complete with an epic Latin choir. Since then, every generation of Smash, on every subsequent system, be it the 3DS, the failed Wii U, or the Switch, has had their own Final Destination.

No stage sums up what competitive Smash is about more than this one. When its time to turn off all of Smash's silliness, no stage better fits the mood for knock-down drag-out showdowns than this one.

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A former NCAA runner turned writer, and an ardent aficionado of all things academic, aesthetic and athletic.