15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

6. Welcome To Rapture - BioShock

Bioshock begins in 1960, as protagonist Jack is a passenger on a plane that crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. After a brief title card, the game resumes with Jack floating to the surface to find the burning remains of the plane before him, which are quickly sinking to the ocean depths. The nearest land takes you to an extremely creepy lighthouse, where you eventually find a Bathysphere submersible, which travels down into the ocean, while a projection explains some of Andrew Ryan's philosophies, with its tongue lodged firmly in its cheek at all times, of course. This leads to one of the most iconic images in recent video game history, as the underwater city of Rapture reveals itself before the player's eyes. You'll then witness a gory murder outside the window, as a Splicer attempts to get inside the Bathysphere. You're then contacted by Atlas over the radio, who will also help flash a light to scare away the Splicer hunting you down. Thankfully, you'll soon find a wrench with which you can defend yourself, and start to get to grips with Plasmids. After knocking yourself unconscious, you'll wake up and catch a glimpse of Big Daddy and the Little Sisters. Atlas then explains that his family have been taken, and begs you to rescue them. You acquire a gun, and after watching a Big Daddy demonstrate its considerable powers (as well as have a few more fights yourself), you're advised by Atlas to enter the Medical Pavilion. However, the lights cut out and you end up trapped as a number of Splicers attack, but Atlas is able to get you out just in time. Much like God of War's opening, it's a lengthy intro, but one that's incredibly memorable due to its beautiful, unique visual style and art direction, alongside its incredible voice-over work and impeccable atmosphere.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.