15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

7. Doc's Diner - Fahrenheit

After a mysterious, ominous monologue from protagonist Lucas Kane, we're taken to a frosty New York night, as a crow flies by Doc's Diner, and we're taken inside. A man is urinating while Kane is inside one of the cubicles, with flashes of religious imagery suggesting that he's been possessed. Lucas then emerges out of the stall and stabs the guy to death, before snapping out of it and realising what he's done. The game then shows us (by way of a 24-esque multi-camera feature) that a cop is inside the diner. Now, the player takes control and gets to acclimate themselves to the beautiful ingenuity of Quantic Dream's cinematic gameplay style. You can do numerous things such as hide the guy's body in a toilet stall and clean up the blood on the bathroom floor before calmly attempting to leave the diner without arousing suspicion. However, the tension is raised again as the waitress tells you that you've forgotten to pay your bill, which you must do before leaving. As Lucas exits, the cop will check the bathroom and find the corpse, just as Lucas enters a cab and the scene ends. Fahrenheit may not have completely succeeded as a work of interactive storytelling, but its opening laid out Quantic Dream's ideas with pin-sharp precision and intelligence.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.