15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

10. Lakeside Amusement Park - Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 3 throws fans right into the insanity from the get-go, returning players to the familiar location of Lakeside Amusement Park, which was featured heavily near the end of Silent Hill, as Harry took on the possessed Cybil there. New protagonist Heather begins there, and as we walk through the park, we see bloodied children's entertainers, macabre theme park rides, and if you manage to survive long enough without falling to your death, grotesque monsters both large and small out to get you. Players may be a tad disappointed at first that there are so many weapons to discover in the Amusement Park (it makes it seem a bit easy), but the reason for this soon becomes clear. Even if you make it to the rollercoaster section of the park, you'll end up being run over by a carriage in a scripted sequence, because this entire part of the game is subsequently revealed to be a dream (or rather, a nightmare), and Heather wakes up in a diner safe and sound (for now). Yes, it may be a retread of the similar twist opening in the first Silent Hill, but it wins major points for its gorgeously rendered and deeply disturbing setting. The appearance of the Amusement Park is also a vague hint that much of the game's events will end up linking into the first game.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.