15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

11. Crew Expendable - Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Now, strictly speaking, the opening level of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is F.N.G. (short for "F***ing New Guy"), a rather rote training section, but it only lasts like three minutes and leads to a far more exciting, proper opening level by way of Crew Expendable. Captain Price leads a team of SAS commandos onto a ship in the dead of night, giving players their first glimpse at how gorgeous and cinematic the brand new IW 3.0 engine is, accompanied by Harry Gregson-Williams' and Stephen Barton's outstanding score. As we rappel down a helicopter and assault the ship, we completely feel like we're there, aided by some excellent voice acting and authentic lighting. After the team discovers a stash of plutonium on-board the ship, it is attacked by an enemy aircraft, resulting in a hasty evacuation as the ships begins to flood. The flooding causes the ship to begin to tip over, resulting in the player's view being displayed at an angle, adding to the intensity of the scenario. Eventually, you're forced to jump onto an oncoming helicopter, and after almost slipping, good 'ol Captain Price catches you. The copter flies away with a gorgeous view of the tanker sinking before the game's title is displayed. The Call of Duty campaigns may largely be dismissed these days, but the first Modern Warfare delivered a ground-breakingly cinematic outing that was made absolutely clear from its first (proper) level. Impressively, things only got better from there, right up to the thrilling final sequence, which is easily the best sequence in any Call of Duty game to date.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.