15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

8. Poseidon - God Of War III

God of War III essentially defines the word "epic" with its opening level, as Kratos stands atop Gaia, leading the assault on Mount Olympus. Kratos' beefed-up debut on the PS3 means a serious leap in graphical quality, and even 4 years later, it remains one of the most visually stunning titles on the console. Right from the outset, you're ripping beasts apart while standing on Gaia's wide shoulder, as the gorgeous expanse is visible in the background: it's truly jaw-dropping to behold. Soon enough, the first mini-boss fight begins along Gaia's arm against the Leviathan, a cross between a horse and a crab...and really freaking big, too. After a gory quick-time sequence, the Leviathan will disappear (for now), and you'll be able to climb Mount Olympus: what's more, the switches between cut-scene and gameplay are eye-wateringly seamless. As you ascend, Gaia is attacked at the side of the mountain by the Leviathan, eventually kick-starting the second part of the battle. This section concludes with Kratos smashing it off the edge of Mount Olympus. But it doesn't even end there: you then climb inside Gaia and end up on top of her head as Poseidon shows up with the Leviathan, and the game's first fully-fledged boss fight begins. The fight has Kratos teaming up with Gaia to trap and attack Poseidon, and after some jaw-dropping QTE sequences, you'll be able to beat a more reasonably-sized Poseidon into meaty chunks and press L3 + R3 to gouge out his eyeballs. A scene then follows where Zeus, fearing Kratos' arrogance, blows Kratos and Gaia from atop Mount Olympus, causing Kratos to end up in the River Styx. Frankly, this opening 30-40 minutes of God of War III is so damn seamless that it's difficult to really pinpoint where the opening ends. Still, it's pretty much impossible to put your controller down during these back-to-back sequences. Absolutely stunning.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.