15 Best Video Game Dragons

6. Rathalos

Skyrim Alduin

Rathalos are the most iconic monsters in the entire Monster Hunter series. They've appeared in every game in the franchise and it's always enjoyable to come up against a Rathalos or one of their female counterparts, a Rathian.

Yeah, they're not the most powerful dragons in the series but they're iconic. Try telling a non-Monster Hunter fan about the Elder Dragon monster class and the brilliance of Fatalis or Disufiroa. Yeah the fights against them and many other Elder Dragons are fun, tense battles but Rathalos is... well Rathalos is Rathalos, you can't get much better than that.

Is it cheating to put an entire species of dragon on this list? Maybe, but I can guarantee people who only know of Rathalos from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate didn't even know that Rathalos is a species and not a character. Oh, and you can't exclude Rathalos from a video game dragon list, it's against the law or something.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.