15 Best Video Game Dragons

7. Ridley

Skyrim Alduin

There are a few recurring enemies in the Metroid series. There's Kraid, Mother Brain, and of course the Metroids but easily the most memorable is the giant dragon that always finds a way to make an appearance no matter how many times you kill him.

After beating him in the original Metroid he survives to attack you once more in Super Metroid where you kill him.

He is then cloned ready for round three in Metroid: Other M, and the X Parasite makes a clone called Neo-Ridley in Fusion.

Neo-Ridley isn't the only of his many forms, there's Mecha Ridley who appears in the remake of the first game, Metroid: Zero Mission, there's Meta Ridley who you fight in both Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Talking about Metroid Prime 3 this is where you fight another one of his variants Omega Ridley.

Oh, and since Metroid II: Return of Samus was apparently upset that it didn't get its own Ridley variant, its remake, Metroid: Samus Returns introduces us to Proteus Ridley.

He may be dead but it doesn't feel like that sometimes but hey, you can't have Metroid without Ridley and seeing that he's dead it makes sense that they keep coming up with excuses for his return.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.