15 Best Video Game Dragons

14. Grim Matchstick

Skyrim Alduin
Studio MDHR

One of the most memorable boss battles in Cuphead, the fight against Grim Matchstick is one of the hardest in the entire game.

This is because so many elements of the fight are random so the memorisation that's been helping you beat other bosses in the game isn't going to be as useful here. The clouds that make up your ground are zooming by randomly so not only are you dodging Grim Matchstick's attacks but you're also making sure you're grounded.

Also, Grim Matchstick has so many attacks which he'll randomly throw your way, some of which are really difficult to dodge if the clouds aren't in the right position.

The thing with this boss is that it's borderline unfair at points. This makes a lot of people hate it but you'll never get a bigger sense of satisfaction in the game than when you beat Grim Matchstick for the first time. Just be prepared to waste an evening trying to do it.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.