15 Best Video Game Dragons

13. Dinraal, Nayra, And Farosh

Skyrim Alduin

The Legend of Zelda is filled with dragons. There are the likes of Aquamentus, Stallord, and Gleeok, but arguably the best are Dinraal, Nayra, and Farosh from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild due to how they're implemented in the game.

Instead of being bosses that you're guaranteed to see if you play through the title, they're mythical beings that if you don't look at a walkthrough you'll only really see by chance majestically flying through the skies of Hyrule.

This majestical nature is amplified by the fact that they won't attack Link, the only way they hurt him is if he gets too close without taking the proper precautions as their general aura will hurt you, it really makes them feel like powerful beings that won't actively attack you because you are so inconsequential to them.

Also if you want to get the rare goodies from these dragons then good luck as you'll have to get really good at archery or getting up to high places, also don't think you can beat them, again, they're mythical, powerful beings that you're not even on the same power level as, attacking them will make them drop rare items but they won't actually get hurt.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.